Saturday, December 9, 2006

Insomnia dan under pressure

Bandung, 9 desember 2006

1:55 AM

Kosan gue tercinta

Sekarang udah pagi, ini berarti insomnia gue kambuh lagi. Ga masalah, gue melakukan hal yang biasa gue lakuin selama ini kalo gue ga bisa tidur, yaitu nulis! Tapi bukannya nulis hal yang bermanfaat kayak TA ato tugas, gue malah nulis blog atau hal-hal ga guna lainnya. Bukannya ga mau, tapi otak uda ga bisa diajak bekerja sama. Mau bukti?

Ok, ini buktinya. Semuanya bermula dari kecintaan gue pada lagu ’Under Pressure’. Lagu lama emang, tapi gue cinta banget lagu ini. Malem ini gue memutuskan untuk bikin sendiri lirik lagunya karena gue lupa mulu untuk donlot--alesan. Ga ada ide lain pula untuk dikerjakan.

Ipod, check! Ears, check! Notepad, check! Okeh..gue siap..mule mainin lagunya di Ipod-legolas-gue-tercinta. Legolas berbunyi, pala mengangguk-angguk kesana kemari…jari mulai menari..otak berputar…kucing mengeong…

Sok pede gue senyum2 sambil nunggu intro selesai..dum dum badab dum dum badab..pressure! push it down on me pressin down on you..nyeh nyeh nyeh…

He ? he? Gue mule pusing..jari mule keriting

Yang gue bisa tangkep malah Cuma senandung2 anehnya..dum badadep idedap idedap…idadidadep…

Aduhhhh ngemeng apa sih ni orang? Ad yang punya teksnya ga???

Yeah, I’m under pressure alright, trying to write that stupid lyric.

Under pressure … dudududududu … under pressure….pressure

Anehnya gue dengan mudah memahami lagu paris Hilton, ’Jealousy’. Apa ini berarti lagu dulu pronunciation-nya lebih njelimet? Halah! Inggris gue kali yah yang terbatas..hehehe...btw, gue beneran nyari loh teksnya ’under pressure’. Yang punya, hubungin gue yahhh. Smooch!


Anonymous said...

Under Pressure by Queen & David Bowie

Um boom ba bay
Um boom ba bay
Um Um boom ba bay bay

Pressure pushing down on me
Pressing down on you no man ask for
Under pressure
That burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets

Um ba ba bay
Um ba ba bay
Dee day duh
Ee day duh

It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming get me out!
Tomorrow takes me higher
Pressure on people
People on streets

Day day day
da da dup bup bup

Chippin' around
kick my brains round the floor
These are the days
It never rains but it pours
Ee do bay bup
Ee do bay ba bup
Ee do bup
Bay bup
People on streets
Dee da dee da day
People on streets
Dee da dee da dee da dee da

It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming let me out!
Tomorrow takes me high high higher

Turned away from it all
Like the blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work
Keep coming up with love
But it's so slashed and torn
Why why why?

(Love, love, love, love)

Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking
Can't we give ourselves one more chance?
Why can't we give love that one more chance?
Why can't we give love give love give love?
Give love give love give love give love give love give love?
Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care
For the people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way
Of caring about ourselves
This is our last dance

This is our last dance
This is ourselves
Under Pressure
Under Pressure

Anonymous said...

Yah udah keduluan. Padahal sy jg mau ngoment ngasi liriknya. Googling dong tih, googling... :P

evil's blog said...

aaaa....makasih ya...yangudah ngasih teksnya..hehehe..btw, ada teks lagu paris hilton ga? :D

Anonymous said...

"Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking"

Bagian lirik favorit, sebenernya gw gtau makna lagunya sih, tapi klo lagi under pressure suka ngedengerin juga yang versi The Used and My Chemical Romance-nya(most play #2 di media library).

evil's blog said...

eh, mau mau yang versi2 lainnya...
(penggemar lagu yang di-arransemen ulang--bener ga istilahnya?)

Anonymous said...

hohoho.. klo lagi under pressure, aku malah lebih suka dengerin "Don't Stop Me Now". Lagunya Queen juga.. bikin tambah semangat! ;)